Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Morimoto - Napa CA

Ten hour pork belly with rice congee and soy scallion jus...I am a big fan of anything pork and nothing elicits more mouth watering thoughts to me than the thought of a well contrived and executed pork belly. This 10 hour roast is delightful through and through. Underneath the soft gelatinous pork skin you'll find stringy roasted pork that easily falls apart as you fork through this slow cooked goodness. Morimoto has designed a beautiful presentation with structure and color provided by shredded cabbage. The congee with soy scallions provide a wonderful backdrop to the pork while allowing it to be the rock star of the dish...this is a definitely a destination dish that will keep me coming back for more...but wait there is more!

Kemuri Asa - Mcclelland's Islay Scotch with maple syrup, apple cider and bacon...a scotch lover's manly man drink...beautifully shaken to create natural cider foam with the rich body and structure of scotch a hint of smoked peat and some maple sweetness balanced by a salty bacon crunch...I like it!